The Hybrid Work Model: Are You Ready to Take the Shot?
“If they try to force me back in the office full time, I’m gone!” Not exactly what you want to hear from your employees and not the best morale for high engagement and optimal performance. Yet, two-and-a-half years into a global pandemic and many business leaders are still trying to ‘pivot’ back and forth, attempting to pick up the pieces after Coronavirus took its toll.
What Does It Mean ‘to Pivot?’
In the sport of basketball, ‘to pivot’ means to stand in one spot with the back leg firmly planted, while twisting the torso and moving the front leg in different directions.
Pivoting allows the player to hold on to the ball while they figure out what to do next. It keeps the player in the game, but they need to either pass or shoot the ball, in order for the team to score.
The time has come for businesses to move from the pivot and take the jump shot. Leaders need a clear play on how they and members of their team will work together to move the ball up the court and shoot for the basket … otherwise they’ll just keep pivoting and spinning in circles.
How to Take the Shot?

If you’re currently in the pivot stage, don’t fret, you’re still in the game and you can still come out successful. But you need to act now. Forgo commissioning consulting firms to create yet more complex diagrams and continuing to present an endless stream of draft business cases and road maps. Why? Leaders with a large employer in our city have been doing just that, pivoting and planning, meeting, and rebranding their initiative for well over a year now. The results are employees who are desperate for answers. With the vast majority of them preferring remote or hybrid work, the lack of clarity from upper management has them plotting their next move to join in on the Great Resignation.
Instead, engage professionals who will support the implementation of concrete steps, to help you manage the risk, and draw lessons learned to refine the solution. Make conscious efforts to continue to grow your company’s leadership capacity so that managers at all levels are equipped to support the massive change and transition.
There are employers who are committed to make their move. They’ve envisioned their next steps and are getting out of their comfort zone to execute concrete plans. Just recently, I presented The 7 Steps to Reset with Purpose in a Post-Pandemic World to an organization consisting of knowledge workers. They are ahead of the curve because they have a practical plan for not only how they will operate as a hybrid workplace, but they are also cascading their vision into concrete and actionable steps—and they are following through to institute a renewed corporate culture of caring and putting people first in order to drive results. Essentially, they are actively and consciously creating a new set-point to take their corporate wellness and performance to great new heights.
While everyone else is stuck in fear, worry, and consternation about all that is going on in the world, wise leaders look for the opportunities in the midst of chaos.
Let's not squander this golden opportunity where for the first time in a long time, employers can offer their employees a real chance to harmonize their work, their wellness, and their personal life—and to drive results and realize massive ROI by putting people first.
So, while the masses are busy pivoting, successful leaders are getting their companies ready to take the jump shot and score. Are you?

For more information on how to navigate these weird and uncertain times with your team, text “Hybrid” to 1-888-695-9675 to download our complimentary guide, “Being a Successful Leader in the Hybrid Workplace.”
Lisa Anna Palmer, Founder and CEO, Light Your Leadership Inc., bestselling author of Light A Fire In Their Hearts: The Truth About Leadership, and creator of LYLTalks Podcast. She and her growing team give their all to help managers and executives realize their vision by learning the ins-and-outs of putting people and planet first to drive profits to new heights. Employees produce much better results for leaders who are upbeat and who love their life, and who know how to respect, include, and engage them. She is currently writing her second book, Leadership In A Post-Pandemic World: The 7 Steps To Reset With Purpose.