Elevate and Scale Your Leadership Program Terms and Conditions
Important Notice: All services, assessments, worksheets, exercises, materials, etc. introduced during the course of this program are designed to support your efforts and learning. Notwithstanding, we can never guarantee the degree to which clients choose to incorporate the recommended approaches, strategies, tactics, etc., as this remains your ultimate responsibility. As such, we have a 'no refund' policy in effect, including in cases where a participant(s) exits the program early. Note that a participant(s) who goes against the principles of engagement may be asked to leave. All parties may terminate the program with three-weeks of written notice. In these circumstances, Light Your Leadership Inc. will prorate and refund monies for the non-used portion of the program. Note that all materials are copyrighted and will remain the intellectual property (IP) of Light Your Leadership Inc. and/or strategic allies and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without written consent. Cancelled/Rescheduled Appointments: Coaching appointments can be cancelled with 48 hours of notice without charge. A cancellation fee of $100.00 will be charged for appointments cancelled within 24 hours. Light Your Leadership Inc. reserves the right to waive these fees, based on its sole discretion. All sessions will be delivered virtually.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions you are also agreeing to recieve email communications from Light Your Leadership Inc.